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Confidence Tips from Jannie Smit

Jannie is a dedicated and long time student of the horse, and other trainers.

She constantly seeks out the best from around the globe and regularly travels internationally to continue her education and also virtually from her home on the Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland, Australia (thank you, modern technology!).

She comes with my highest recommendation and these are her words when I reached out to her asking she share her tips for increasing confidence for the horse riding woman.

                                   ~ Colleen


A few points to help your own confidence and that of your horse.

  • Learn to recognise and acknowledge when things don’t feel quite right within you and/or your horse.
  • What can you change in yourself and your environment for you and your horse to feel safe?
  • Take small steps to create a clear language between you and your horse. The basics are very important. Lay down a strong foundation that you can build on and can come back to.
  • Create good body awareness as body language is your main tool to communicate with your horse. You can do this through methods like Feldenkrais, Qi Gong, and Yoga.
  • Find an instructor/coach whose approach and personality fits with you and your horse.
  • The hardest part: Don’t feel pressured by people around you, there are many “experts” out there but the real experts are you and your horse, listen to both.
  • Last but not least. Never forget that little girl that fell in love with horses, this is the reason why you are together now.
  • Enjoy, have fun and tomorrow is another day.


More About Jannie Smit

Equine Core Connection